7 Chiefs Youth Athletic Camp


Gújá nágúdīgòy(Good morning),
I wanted to extend an invitation for you to tell any youth and parents in your programs about the weekend camp coming up.
We will have some great sessions including conversation on sports injury prevention and especially concussions.
A very important session will also be NAIG and how to make Team Alberta for 2027. (We expect some try outs to be as early as next year)
Can you please encourage your athletes to join in and take advantage of the expert knowledge?
Saturday the 15th
  • Concussion education and neuromuscular warmups.
  • The concussion talk will cover: what a concussion is, signs to look our for as a player and coach, returning to play and school plans, etc.
  • Neuromuscular warmup with the entire group.
  • We will have the SHRed Mobile  (concussion bus) on site to talk to people about everything we covered and take them on a tour of the bus.
  • Mental Wellness with Cathy from Wellness team
  • Canadian Sport Institute of Alberta-  Strength and Conditioning
  • A youth friendly money management session
  • Some fun games.
Sunday the 16th (AM):
  • We will  do a large group neuromuscular warmup with the entire group to kick off the sports day
  • The SHRed Mobile will be back on site.
  • Breakout into groups:   Archery, Golf, Badminton, Volleyball
Monday, Feb 17 –  Volleyball Camp only

Sīyísgáàs(Thank you)