Born in Calgary, February 23, 1968, Paul grew up on the Tsuut’ina until the age of 14 when he went to residential school in Northern Alberta. He returned home at age 18 and has resided in Tsuut’ina throughout adulthood.
Paul went on to attain his Red Seal in Journeyman Mechanics from SAIT, later apprenticing other Nation members to become journeyman mechanics .
Paul is a third degree black belt, training toward his fourth degree, and has mentored Hapkido students for more than 33 years..
“I am proud to be Tsuut’ina because I was taught by our Elders that we need to be strong and always fight for the best interest of our people. I was grateful to have had the time with the Elders. The cultural and traditional teachings always stayed with me and helped me come back strong with my healing and want to help others.”