RKeepers7 Submission Deadline Extended


Dzīnísī gújā(Good day),

Please be advised the submission deadline for the RKeepers7 Community Partnership Program has been extended to December 8th, 2024. Season 2’s theme is Education Awareness, and RKeepers7 is available to help you with your funding application if needed.

The RCPP’s purpose is to provide one-time funding to current Nation services to provide prevention, education, and/or intervention projects to address gang activities and high-risk lifestyles among our youth [under 29 years old].

Community Partners may apply for up to $13,500/project in funding.

Awards will be distributed across 4 funding seasons, highlighting a theme each season.  The deadline was originally December 1, 2024, with projects running from January to April 2025.

For more information please visit website https://tsuutinapolice.com/rkeepers7-submission-deadline-extended/

Sīyísgáàs(Thank you)