Nájùná áts’ìlágītsī-hí

Treaty Initiatives

Treaty Initiatives Department focuses on the Tsuut’ina peoples self-determination to protect our Inherent & Treaty Rights.  It is through our world view and understanding of Nataa’s inherent laws, that these laws supercede any domestic laws imposed.  It is the departments responsibility to protect these laws in any forum and work with other likeminded nations to protect our Treaty rights.

Pictured the Treaty 7 signing translated into the Tsuut’ina language. Text highlighted in red is for words that do not exist in the Tsuut’ina language. Please click on the image for higher resolution.

Tsuut’ina Nation will be hosting Treaties 1-11 Gathering on August 18th to August 22nd, 2025, at the Seven Chiefs Sportplex & Chief Jim Starlight Centre. Please scan the QR codes for Proxy and attendee registration.

2025 Treaties 1-11 National Gathering Letter of Invite

Treaty 1-11 Poster

Proxy RegistrationAttendee Registration

Please contact t1-11@tsuutina.com for any inquiries.